понедельник, 16 мая 2016 г.

Unofficial GitUp Git2 Android app.

Seems like GitUp experiences some kind of problems creating Android application for Git2 action cam control. Moreover there is even no estimated release date stated at the moment. So I decided not to cool heels anymore and write my own code.

GitApp main screen.

GitApp Android launcher icon.

Here comes GitApp - an unofficial Android appliction for GitUp Git2 camera (actually can work with any Novatek based cam). It already can start/stop video recording, take video snapshot and open live stream from Git2 camera. Now it's in early beta status and I will release it as soon as I add some more features. Stay tuned!

2 комментария:

  1. Hi.
    Take snapshot and start/stop movie can also other apps like fncam. But if you will keep your work and add more advanced features for gitup2 I would donate you with pleasure.
    I think you could make project on kickstarter or something like that.

    1. Hi.

      There was a problem in cam's WebAPI and I didn't managed to get the app working seamlessly for that reason. Now GitUp fixed it and the official app is on its way.
